RoomRack Hospitality SystemAll-in-1 Cloud Hotel Pms

The most modern and fast hotel software
Open Api RoomRack Cloud Pms, from the booking engine in the Channel manager to check-out, from reception to online e-invoicing with direct integration to the myDATA, every process is easier, faster and more connected.
RoomRack Cloud Pms focuses on and improves your customer experience with automated email marketing processes, web online check in, Booking links, payment link, ui/ux offers, smart locks, etc.
- Hotel Operations
- Guest Experience
- RoomRack Payments
- Open Api - Fast Integrations
- RoomRack Business Intelligence
- RoomRack Multi-Property
- RoomRack POS
- Marketplace

RoomRack Open Api Cloud Pms! Everything you need is here!
Integration with the myDATA
RoomRackCloud PMS, following the legislation, is connected directly to the IAPR and the myDATA platform for easy pricing.
Auto Proposals
Manage requests via email-call and create professional online proposals, automating e-mail delivery and booking acceptance.
Channel Manager
Manage the allocation of available rooms and update your availability and prices in real time through RoomRack Hospitality.
Booking Engine
Track your online reservations and benefit from the automated availability update. The interface is simple and fast.
Email Automations
An integrated automation system that will allow you to create personalized and customized processes.
Bridge Account
You have the ability to transfer and correspond your movements and accounts according to your accounting plan.
Smart Locks
Check your smart locks, create keys and PIN codes for your customers and give access to the room without delays.
Advanced Reporting
We offer the most customizable reporting tools to turn your data into active widgets.
Sms / Viber Integration
Viber & SMS enables you to create a new mobile communication channel with your audience to enhance your brand image.
Online Check in
Simple and clear online check in system, both for the guest and for the hotelier – the magic link is sent directly by email or sms/viber text and the customer completes their check-in.
Housekeeping Plan
Create a cleaning schedule according to your needs. Monitor the status of each room.
The RoomRack Cloud PMS was design to accommodate a multiproperty set up for owners of multiple hotels.
Communication Management
Easily manage the communication with your guests. When your guests want information, it’s important not to let them wait too long for a response.
Electronic Payments
With the online payment service Payment links, you accept electronic payments safely and remotely by simply sending a link via email, messenger or SMS.
Business Intelligence (BI)
Using real-time data, historical, current and predictive data sets we enhance the capabilities to maximize profits.
RoomRack Open API
Knowledge is power. RoomRack Hospitality Analytics Platform
Benefit from the smart & detailed performance statistics of your accommodation in the past, the present, or even in the future, and guide your accommodation to profitable strategy changes.

Modern Tools
Better Experience
Targeting – Categorization
Segmenting and categorizing customers into email marketing lists greatly helps the business to target these groups more effectively.
We are all roommates in a digital world and we are looking for easy and fast ways to communicate with each other.

Personalized Messages
Email Marketing in numbers:
- 80.8% of users read emails from mobile devices.
- Personalized emails have a 14% higher CTR (Click Through Rate) & 10% more conversions.

Report & Statistical Analysis
Reports on visitor behaviour can give you useful information about your content, but also help you track how users interact with your website.

Room Rack Marketplace
App integrations connect all areas of your business with apps, helping you to improve your processes. RoomRack connects to your favorite apps, processes, data, and many other modern tools!

Start With Us Today

The data you share with RoomRack is secure and is only used to contact you, based on the terms of use.
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We plan together the future of your Online Accommodation!
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